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1'''Geometry and GIS utilities''' 


3import os 

4import pathlib 

5import tempfile 

6from datetime import datetime, timedelta 

7from functools import partial 


9import numpy as np 

10import shapely.ops 

11import shapely.geometry 

12import warnings 

13from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, Point 


15from aisdb.aisdb import haversine 

16from aisdb.proc_util import glob_files 



19def shiftcoord(x, rng=180): 

20 ''' Correct longitude coordinates to be within range(-180, 180) 

21 using a linear shift and modulus. 

22 For latitude coordinate correction, set rng to 90. 


24 For example: longitude 181 would be corrected to -179 deg. 

25 ''' 

26 assert len(x) > 0, 'x must be array-like' 

27 if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): 

28 x = np.array(x) 

29 shift_idx = np.where(np.abs(x) != rng)[0] 

30 for idx in shift_idx: 

31 x[idx] = ((x[idx] + rng) % 360) - rng 

32 flip_idx = np.where(np.abs(x) == rng)[0] 

33 for idx in flip_idx: 

34 x[idx] *= -1 

35 assert (rng * -1 <= np.all(x) <= rng) 

36 return x 



39def dt_2_epoch(dt_arr, t0=datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)): 

40 ''' convert datetime.datetime to epoch minutes ''' 

41 delta = lambda dt: (dt - t0).total_seconds() 

42 if isinstance(dt_arr, (list, np.ndarray)): 

43 return np.array(list(map(float, map(delta, dt_arr)))) 

44 elif isinstance(dt_arr, (datetime)): 

45 return int(delta(dt_arr)) 

46 else: 

47 raise ValueError('input must be datetime or array of datetimes') 



50def epoch_2_dt(ep_arr, t0=datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), unit='seconds'): 

51 ''' convert epoch minutes to datetime.datetime ''' 


53 delta = lambda ep, unit: t0 + timedelta(**{unit: ep}) 


55 if isinstance(ep_arr, (list, np.ndarray)): 

56 return np.array(list(map(partial(delta, unit=unit), map(int, ep_arr)))) 


58 elif isinstance(ep_arr, 

59 (float, int, np.uint32, np.int32, np.uint64, np.int64)): 

60 return delta(int(ep_arr), unit=unit) 


62 else: 

63 raise ValueError( 

64 f'input must be integer or array of integers. got {ep_arr=}{type(ep_arr)}' 

65 ) 



68def delta_meters(track, rng=None): 

69 ''' compute haversine distance in meters between track positions for a 

70 given track 


72 args: 

73 track (dict) 

74 track vector dictionary 

75 rng (range) 

76 optionally restrict computed values to given index range 

77 ''' 

78 rng = range(len(track['time'])) if rng is None else rng 

79 return np.array( 

80 list( 

81 map(haversine, track['lon'][rng][:-1], track['lat'][rng][:-1], 

82 track['lon'][rng][1:], track['lat'][rng][1:]))) 



85def delta_seconds(track, rng=None): 

86 ''' compute elapsed time between track positions for a given track 


88 args: 

89 track (dict) 

90 track vector dictionary 

91 rng (range) 

92 optionally restrict computed values to given index range 

93 ''' 

94 if isinstance(track['time'], list): 

95 track['time'] = np.array(track['time']) 

96 assert isinstance(track['time'], np.ndarray), f'got {track["time"] = }' 

97 rng = range(len(track['time'])) if rng is None else rng 

98 return np.array(list((track['time'][rng][1:] - track['time'][rng][:-1]))) 



101def delta_knots(track, rng=None): 

102 ''' compute speed over ground in knots between track positions for a given 

103 track using (haversine distance / time) 


105 args: 

106 track (dict) 

107 track vector dictionary 

108 rng (range) 

109 optionally restrict computed values to given index range 

110 ''' 

111 rng = range(len(track['time'])) if rng is None else rng 

112 ds = np.array([np.max((1, s)) for s in delta_seconds(track, rng)], 

113 dtype=object) 

114 return delta_meters(track, rng) / ds * 1.9438445 



117def radial_coordinate_boundary(x, y, radius=100000): 

118 ''' Defines a bounding box area for a given point and radial 

119 distance in meters. Returns degree boundaries with a minimum diameter 

120 of approximately 2 * ``radius`` meters. 


122 The boundaries are approximated by converting input coordinates 

123 from degrees to radians, and computing a radial delta by 

124 dividing an input value by the earth radius. The radial delta 

125 is added or subtracted from the input point for each cardinal 

126 direction, and then converted back from radians to degrees. 


128 args: 

129 x (float) 

130 longitude 

131 y (float) 

132 latitude 

133 radius (int, float) 

134 minimum radial distance 

135 ''' 

136 # radians 

137 earth_radius_m = 6371088 

138 rlon = np.pi * x / 180 

139 rlat = np.pi * y / 180 

140 parallel_radius = earth_radius_m * np.cos(rlat) 


142 # radial delta 

143 rlonmin = rlon - radius / parallel_radius 

144 rlonmax = rlon + radius / parallel_radius 

145 rlatmin = rlat - radius / earth_radius_m 

146 rlatmax = rlat + radius / earth_radius_m 


148 return { 

149 'xmin': 180 * rlonmin / np.pi, 

150 'xmax': 180 * rlonmax / np.pi, 

151 'ymin': 180 * rlatmin / np.pi, 

152 'ymax': 180 * rlatmax / np.pi 

153 } 



156def distance3D(x1, y1, x2, y2, depth_metres): 

157 ''' haversine/pythagoras approximation of vessel distance to 

158 point at given depth 

159 ''' 

160 a2 = haversine(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2)**2 

161 b2 = abs(depth_metres)**2 

162 c2 = a2 + b2 

163 return np.sqrt(c2) 



166def vesseltrack_3D_dist(tracks, x1, y1, z1, colname='distance_metres'): 

167 ''' appends approximate distance to a submerged point at every 

168 surface-level position. distance is approximated using the haversine 

169 function and pythagoras. 


171 x1 (float) 

172 point longitude 

173 y1 (float) 

174 point latitude 

175 z1 (float) 

176 point depth (metres) 

177 colname (string) 

178 track dictionary key for which depth values will be set. 

179 by default, distances are appended to the 'distance_metres' 

180 key 

181 ''' 

182 for track in tracks: 

183 track['dynamic'] = track['dynamic'].union(set([colname])) 

184 dists = [ 

185 distance3D(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x, y2=y, depth_metres=z1) 

186 for x, y in zip(track['lon'], track['lat']) 

187 ] 

188 track[colname] = np.array(dists, dtype=object) 

189 yield track 



192def mask_in_radius_2D(tracks, xy, distance_meters): 

193 ''' radial filtering using great circle distance at surface level 


195 tracks (:class:`aisdb.track_gen.TrackGen`) 

196 track dictionary iterator 

197 xy (tuple of floats) 

198 target longitude and latitude coordinate pair 

199 distance_meters (int) 

200 maximum distance in meters 

201 ''' 

202 for track in tracks: 

203 mask = [ 

204 haversine(track['lon'][i], track['lat'][i], xy[0], xy[1]) < 

205 distance_meters for i in range(len(track['time'])) 

206 ] 

207 if sum(mask) == 0: 

208 continue 

209 yield dict( 

210 **{k: track[k] 

211 for k in track['static']}, 

212 **{k: track[k][mask] 

213 for k in track['dynamic']}, 

214 static=track['static'], 

215 dynamic=track['dynamic'], 

216 ) 



219class Domain(): 

220 ''' collection of zone geometry dictionaries, with additional 

221 statistics such as hull bounding box 


223 args: 

224 name: string 

225 Domain name 

226 zones: list of dictionaries 

227 Collection of zone geometry dictionaries. 

228 Must have keys 'name' (string) and 'geometry' 

229 (shapely.geometry.Polygon) 


231 >>> domain = Domain(name='example', zones=[{ 

232 ... 'name': 'zone1', 

233 ... 'geometry': shapely.geometry.Polygon([(-40,60), (-40, 61), (-41, 61), (-41, 60), (-40, 60)]) 

234 ... }, ]) 


236 attr: 


238 self.zones 

239 self.boundary 

240 self.minX 

241 self.minY 

242 self.maxX 

243 self.maxY 


245 ''' 


247 _meridian = LineString( 

248 np.array(( 

249 (-180, -180, 180, 180), 

250 (-90, 90, 90, -90), 

251 )).T) 


253 def _zone_max_radius(self, geom, zone_x, zone_y): 

254 ''' computes the maximum distance to the centroid ''' 

255 return np.max([ 

256 haversine(geom.centroid.x, geom.centroid.y, x2, y2) 

257 for x2, y2 in zip(zone_x, zone_y) 

258 ]) 


260 def _add_zone(self, name, x, y): 

261 ''' 

262 if name[-2:] == '_b': 

263 if (x0b := np.min(x)) < self.minX_b: 

264 self.minX_b = x0b 

265 if (x0c := np.min(x)) > self.minX: 

266 self.minX = x0c 


268 elif name[-2:] == '_c': 

269 if (x1b := np.max(x)) < self.maxX_c: 

270 self.maxX_c = x1b 

271 if (x1c := np.max(x)) > self.maxX: 

272 self.maxX = x1c 


274 else: 

275 ''' 

276 if ((x0a := np.min(x)) < self.minX): 

277 self.minX = x0a 

278 if ((x1a := np.max(x)) > self.maxX): 

279 self.maxX = x1a 


281 if np.min(y) < self.minY: 

282 self.minY = np.min(y) 

283 if np.max(y) > self.maxY: 

284 self.maxY = np.max(y) 

285 ''' 

286 if np.min(x) < self.minX: 

287 self.minX = np.min(x) 

288 if np.max(x) > self.maxX: 

289 self.maxX = np.max(x) 

290 ''' 


292 assert self.minX < self.maxX 

293 assert self.minY < self.maxY 

294 assert -180 <= self.minX <= 180 and -180 <= self.maxX <= 180 

295 assert -90 <= self.minY <= 90 and -90 <= self.maxY <= 90 


297 geom = Polygon(zip(x, y)) 


299 self.zones.update({ 

300 name: { 

301 'geometry': geom, 

302 'maxradius': self._zone_max_radius(geom, x, y) 

303 } 

304 }) 


306 return 


308 def _handle_outofbounds_zone(self, zone, zones_dir): 

309 zones_west = zones_dir / 'west' 

310 zones_east = zones_dir / 'east' 

311 zones_corr = zones_dir / 'corr' 

312 stringify = lambda x, y: map( 

313 ','.join, zip(map(str, x), map(lambda y: y + '\n', map(str, y)))) 


315 for g in self.split_geom(zone): 

316 if g.centroid.x < -180: 

317 x, y = np.array(g.boundary.coords.xy) 

318 if not os.path.isdir(zones_west): 318 ↛ 320line 318 didn't jump to line 320, because the condition on line 318 was never false

319 os.mkdir(zones_west) 

320 with open(os.path.join(zones_west, zone['name'] + '_west.txt'), 

321 'w') as w: 

322 w.writelines(stringify(shiftcoord(x), y)) 

323 elif g.centroid.x > 180: 

324 x, y = np.array(g.boundary.coords.xy) 

325 if not os.path.isdir(zones_east): 325 ↛ 327line 325 didn't jump to line 327, because the condition on line 325 was never false

326 os.mkdir(zones_east) 

327 with open(os.path.join(zones_east, zone['name'] + '_east.txt'), 

328 'w') as w: 

329 w.writelines(stringify(shiftcoord(x), y)) 

330 else: 

331 x, y = np.array(g.boundary.coords.xy) 

332 if not os.path.isdir(zones_corr): 

333 os.mkdir(zones_corr) 

334 with open(os.path.join(zones_corr, zone['name'] + '_corr.txt'), 

335 'w') as w: 

336 w.writelines(stringify(x, y)) 


338 def __init__(self, name, zones=[], **kw): 

339 ''' Initialize the domain from zone geometries ''' 


341 if len(zones) == 0: 

342 raise ValueError( 

343 'domain needs to have atleast one polygon geometry') 

344 = name 

345 self.zones = {} 

346 self.minX, self.maxX = 180, -180 

347 # self.minX_b = 180 

348 self.minY, self.maxY = 90, -90 

349 # self.maxX_c = -180 


351 valid_domain = True 

352 zones_dir = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='aisdb_zones_')) 


354 for zone in zones: 

355 if 'name' not in zone.keys(): 

356 raise KeyError(f'Zone missing \'name\' key: {zone=}') 

357 if 'geometry' not in zone.keys(): 

358 raise KeyError(f'Zone missing \'geometry\' key: {zone=}') 


360 x, y = zone['geometry'].boundary.coords.xy 

361 if not (np.min(x) >= -180 and np.max(x) <= 180): 

362 #warnings.warn(f'dividing geometry... {zone["name"]}') 

363 valid_domain = False 

364 self._handle_outofbounds_zone(zone, zones_dir) 

365 else: 

366 self._add_zone(zone['name'], x, y) 


368 if not valid_domain: 

369 ''' 

370 if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname( 

371 zones_corr)) or not os.path.isdir(zones_corr): 

372 print('Creating new output directory in ', 

373 os.path.dirname(zones_dir)) 

374 os.makedirs(zones_dir, exist_ok=True) 

375 ''' 


377 for zonename, zone in self.zones.items(): 

378 zone['name'] = zonename 

379 self._handle_outofbounds_zone(zone, zones_dir) 


381 raise ValueError( 

382 'Invalid zone geometry! ' 

383 'Exceeds longitude range -180 to 180. ' 

384 'If you want to query a bounding box spanning 180 degrees ' 

385 'longitude, consider querying multiple times instead.\n' 

386 f'Saved modified geometries in {str(zones_dir)}, try using these corrected domains:\n' 

387 f'\tdomain1 = aisdb.DomainFromTxts(domainName=\'{name}_corr\', folder={str(zones_dir)}{os.path.sep}corrected)\n' 

388 f'\tdomain2 = aisdb.DomainFromTxts(domainName=\'{name}_west\', folder={str(zones_dir)}{os.path.sep}west))\n' 

389 f'\tdomain3 = aisdb.DomainFromTxts(domainName=\'{name}_east\', folder={str(zones_dir)}{os.path.sep}east))\n' 

390 ) 


392 assert self.minX < self.maxX 

393 assert self.minY < self.maxY 


395 self.boundary = { 

396 'xmin': self.minX, 

397 'xmax': self.maxX, 

398 'ymin': self.minY, 

399 'ymax': self.maxY 

400 } 


402 def nearest_polygons_to_point(self, x, y): 

403 ''' compute great circle distance for this point to each polygon 

404 centroid, subtracting the maximum polygon radius. 

405 returns all zones with distances less than zero meters, sorted by 

406 nearest first 

407 ''' 

408 assert float(x) or x == 0.0, f'{type(x)} {x=}{y=}' 

409 assert float(y) or y == 0.0, f'{type(y)} {x=}{y=}' 

410 assert isinstance(self.zones, dict) 

411 dist_to_centroids = {} 

412 for name, z in self.zones.items(): 

413 dist_to_centroids.update({ 

414 name: 

415 haversine( 

416 x, 

417 y, 

418 z['geometry'].centroid.x, 

419 z['geometry'].centroid.y, 

420 ) - z['maxradius'] 

421 }) 

422 return dist_to_centroids 


424 def point_in_polygon(self, x, y): 

425 ''' Returns the zone containing the given coordinates. 

426 if there are multiple zones containing the coordinates, 

427 the zone with the nearest centroid will be selected. 


429 args: 

430 x (float) 

431 longitude value 

432 y (float) 

433 latitude value 

434 ''' 

435 assert float(x) or x == 0.0, f'{type(x)} {x=}{y=}' 

436 assert float(y) or y == 0.0, f'{type(y)} {x=}{y=}' 

437 assert len(self.zones) > 0 

438 # first pass filter using distance to centroid, subtracting max radius. 

439 # discard all geometry with a distance over zero 

440 nearest = { 

441 k: v 

442 for k, v in sorted(self.nearest_polygons_to_point(x, y).items(), 

443 key=lambda item: item[1]) if v < 0 

444 } 

445 # check for zone containment, starting with the nearest centroid 

446 for key, value in nearest.items(): 

447 if self.zones[key]['geometry'].contains(Point(x, y)): 

448 return key 

449 return 'Z0' 


451 def split_geom(self, zone): 

452 ''' Ensure that the zone doesn't intersect longitude 180 or -180. 

453 If it does, divide it into two zones. 

454 ''' 

455 merged = shapely.ops.linemerge( 

456 [zone['geometry'].boundary, self._meridian]) 

457 border = shapely.ops.unary_union(merged) 

458 decomp = shapely.ops.polygonize(border) 

459 return decomp 



462class DomainFromTxts(Domain): 

463 ''' subclass of :class:`aisdb.gis.Domain`. used for convenience to load 

464 zone geometry from .txt files directly 

465 ''' 


467 def __init__(self, domainName, folder, ext='txt'): 


469 files = glob_files(folder, ext=ext) 

470 zones = [] 

471 for txt in files: 

472 filename = txt.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)[1].split('.')[0] 

473 with open(txt, 'r') as f: 

474 pts = 

475 xy = list( 

476 map(float, 

477 pts.replace('\n\n', '').replace('\n', 

478 ',').split(',')[:-1])) 

479 x, y = np.array(xy[::2]), np.array(xy[1::2]) 

480 geom = Polygon(zip(x, y)) 

481 zones.append({'name': filename, 'geometry': geom}) 

482 super().__init__(domainName, zones, setattrs=False) 



485class DomainFromPoints(Domain): 

486 ''' Subclass of :class:`aisdb.gis.Domain`. Used for convenience to generate 

487 bounding box polygons from longitude/latitude pairs and radial 

488 distances, where the minimum radius is specified in meters. 

489 ''' 


491 def __init__(self, 

492 points, 

493 radial_distances, 

494 names=[], 

495 domainName='domain'): 

496 ''' Creates bounding-box polygons having a minimum radius atleast 

497 approximately ``radial_distances`` in metres, centered on 

498 ``points``. 


500 args: 

501 points (list) 

502 coordinate XY pairs 

503 radial_distances (list) 

504 approximate distance in meters to extend the bounding box. 

505 the distance given will be used as the minimum distance to 

506 box boundaries 

507 names (list) 

508 optionally assign a zone name for each point 



511 ''' 

512 if names == []: 512 ↛ 514line 512 didn't jump to line 514, because the condition on line 512 was never false

513 names = [f'{i:02d}' for i in range(len(points))] 

514 zones = [] 

515 for xy, d, i in zip(points, radial_distances, names): 

516 bounds = radial_coordinate_boundary(*xy, d) 

517 geom = { 

518 'name': 

519 i, 

520 'geometry': 

521 Polygon([ 

522 (bounds['xmin'], bounds['ymin']), 

523 (bounds['xmin'], bounds['ymax']), 

524 (bounds['xmax'], bounds['ymax']), 

525 (bounds['xmax'], bounds['ymin']), 

526 (bounds['xmin'], bounds['ymin']), 

527 ]), 

528 } 

529 zones.append(geom) 

530 super().__init__(name=domainName, zones=zones)